Hello! I'm
COMPUTER SCIENTIST | IOS DEVELOPER | Scholorship Winner 2018 & 2021
About Me
Hello! I'm João Padilha
🏆 WWDC18 - Scholorship Winner 2018
🏆 WWDC21 - Swift Student Challenge Winner 2021
👨🏻🎓 Computer Science from Mackenzie in the second half of 2019.
👨🏻🎓 Apple Developer Academy at Mackenzie, in the class 2017/2018.
👨🏻🎓 Gestão Estratégica de Negócios at Mackenzie in 2022.
📚 Studying User Experience at Mackenzie in progress.
Passionate about technology since childhood. At the age of 12 I participated in a Hardware course on computer assembly and maintenance and a course in Networks. At 15 I started to study and develop projects with Arduino in a self-taught way.
Computer Scientist
Graduated in Computer Science at Mackenzie Presbyterian University in the year of 2019.
Postgraduate in Strategic Business Management
Postgraduate degree in Strategic Business Management at Mackenzie Presbyterian University in the year of 2022.
Postgraduate in User Experience Design
Studying User Experience at Mackenzie Presbyterian University.
Apple iOS Developer
Certified by Apple in partnership with Mackenzie in the years of 2017/2018.
AWS Cloud Practitioner
Oficial certified AWS certification achieved in the year of 2022.
Microlins Redes
Certified by Microlins at the year of 2010, at the age of 13 years old.
UX & UI Design
Studies and experience with tools Figma e Sketch.
Studies and experience with Java, PHP and NodeJS. Study about usage of services Heroku and AWS.
Data Base
Studies during college, 4 semesters about SQL and non-relational data bases.
Agility & Scrum
Studies and practical experience with the agile methodology Scrum.
Advanced english for writing and conversations.
Web Design
Studies and experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery.
Postgraduate teacher at SENAC
Teacher and author of the e-book of the subject Development and Architectures od Aplications for Apple Plataforms.
Subject assistant of 'Programming Language 1'
JUN 2016 - DEZ 2016
Subject assistant about doubts on the subject 'Programming Language 1' during college at Mackenzie Presbyterian University.
CONCRETE (Part of Accenture)
Acting at Concrete, technology consultancy, as an iOS developer. Contact with different projects of large national companies and experiences in different scenarios of action in different projects.
JAN 2017 - DEZ 2018
Participation in the Apple project in partnership with Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, with the objective of enabling students to become iOS developers. The project is trained by Apple professionals on various aspects of mobile application development, from the analysis and planning of an idea, to the design, implementation and use of best market practices.
- All
- iOS Games
- iOS Apps
Workshop at Apple Developer Academy Mackenzie
Workshop about Sound Feedbacks on iOS
🏆 WWDC Scholorship Winner 2018
One of 350 students selected worldwide to attend the WWDC 2018 conference live in San Jose.
🏆 Swift Student Challenge Winner 2021
One of 350 students selected worldwide as winner of the Swift Student Challenge 2021.
Hack A Truck - Instituto Eldorado
Project in partnership with Insituto Eldorado and IBM to promote the development of mobile applications.
Lectures at Mackenzie's FCI Week
Lecture on VIPER architecture for mobile development and Socket.IO
Lecture at Concrete on Real Time Communication with Socket.IO
Lecture on use cases and implementations of server and mobile applications that use real-time connection using the Socket.IO framework.
Introdução ao Firebase
Artigo tutorial voltato para quem nunca utilizou Firebase antes para desenvolvimento em iOS.
Introduction and Implementation of Drag & Drop in iOS
Artigo introdutorio sobre implementação de Drag & Drop em iOS.
Comunicação cliente servidor em tempo real com Socket.IO
Artigo guia com exemplos reais e casos de uso de comunicação cliente-servidor em tempo real utilizando o framework Socket.IO.
Real-time client server communication with Socket.IO
Artigo em ingles guia com exemplos reais e casos de uso de comunicação cliente-servidor em tempo real utilizando o framework Socket.IO.
Sign In With Apple na Prática
Artigo tutorial de como implementar Sign In With Apple em iOS seguindo as boas práticas recomendadas pela Appls.
Como integrar GitHub Actions com Slack, Telegram e WhatsApp
Artigo tutorial de como integrar GitHub Actions com Slack, Telegram e WhatsApp.
How to integrate GitHub Actions with Slack, Telegram andWhatsApp
What if you setup your continuous integration to send some messages?
SwiftUI Property Wrappers Simplificado
Que tal entender de forma simplificada o significado e casos de uso dos Property Wrappers?
SwiftUI Property Wrappers Simplified
Let's understand the meaning and the use cases of @State, @StateObject, @EnvironmentObject, @ObservedObject, @Binding, and @Published.
São Paulo, SP